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Pray For... // October 2018

This is the first of what will be many installments in our "Pray For..." series of posts. In each posts we share specific prayer points with you that we are praying: for the city of London, for the church plant, and for our family as we move to London to plant a church.

The single most important way that you can support us in our planting is by praying for the work. By praying for us you become a most significant partner to this church plant and the city of London.

Would you join us in praying for these items in the month of October?

For The City

Those who are lonely in the city.

The New York Times published an article back in January that talked through a new appointment in the government. Simply, they are addressing the issue of loneliness that is a growing epidemic in the country. This story has made an impression on our hearts and we are eager to engage. We desire to plant a church to provide genuine fellowship and community for those who are lonely and alone.

Peace in the city.

The last year has revealed multiple instances of violence and terror in the city. We desire to be people of peace who seek the welfare of the city. Ask God to provide healing and peacetime for the city. Ask God to protect the city from terror attacks and to bring about healing and reconciliation through the gospel.

The settledness of people in the city.

God has a track record of gathering people globally and sending people globally. From Acts 2 to today - God moves people in and out of the great cities of the world. Pray for those who are settled in London and those who will continue to settle. We desire to be a church for all peoples. We want to plant a multicultural community that prizes and appreciates people from every class, race, tongue, tribe, and nation.

For The Church

Ministry vision.

We invested a lot of thought and prayer into our ministry vision over the last few months. Now, things are just about set. Pray for the final details to fall into place in the next few weeks. Pray also for our process of developing resources that communicate our ministry vision in a clear and compelling way.


We just began the journey of intentional fundraising for this church in London. We are hoping to partner with churches, individuals, and organizations to work together to plant this church. Please pray for favor with investors, catalytic conversations, and for God to fund this church.


In the next 30 days we will entire new phases of building our team for London. Interested team members will complete an assessment, interview with our London-team staff, and be invited to a vision night. If all works well then the visa situation will be the major issue to gain entrance to the country. Pray for discernment for our team as we partner with people. Pray that God would grant our team access to London through ministry visas, inter-company transfers, and even jobs in London.

For the West family

Endurance for the family.

Thomas is traveling a lot which causes our family rhythms to get out of balance. We are in a true season of transition and that leads to big highs and lows.

Diligence for schooling.

Perry is in kindergarten and Shepherd is in two-day preschool. We’re focusing on where the kids are and where they need to go academically in the years ahead.

Date nights.

With everything going on we’re trying to find time to slow down and connect over date nights in the weeks ahead. We welcome anyone who wants to help out by watching our kiddos! ;)


Thanks for praying for these needs with us! We would love for you to join our prayer team. Simply click this link and you can subscribe to our monthly mailing list.

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