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Merry Christmas & A Christmas Devotional

Our family is settled back in Alabama for the next two weeks. We're excited to spend time with family, a few friends, and the good people at First Baptist Church, Montgomery.

We want to share a verse of Scripture and a few thoughts with you. This "Christmas verse" (John 1:14) has meant so much to us in this last season and is a continued source of strength as we prepare for London.

The verse of Scripture that has meant so much to us in this last season is John 1:14...

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Became Flesh

In order for Jesus to come to this world to save us from our sins and put everything right Jesus had to first make moves. This does not mean Jesus ceased being God. Rather, this means the Word, who was God, also took on humanity. Paul develops this theme in Philippians 2:6-7. This is the most amazing happening in all of human history: God took on a human nature and lived among humanity. Jesus was both God and human at the same time.

We think about this verse of Scripture when we think about moving our family to London. Similar to Jesus taking on human flesh in order to relate to us so we will take on some new customs and habits in order to reach a group of people we love. Similar to Jesus retaining his identity but also taking on a new form we hope to do the same in London - we will continue to be the American family from North Carolina but we will do so in new particular expressions. We will be who we were while also being these "new" people: who we are.

Dwelt Among Us

In the Old Testament God would dwell among His people by living in tents and the temple. Now, God has taken up residence among the earth's inhabitants in the incarnate Word: Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament symbolism by actually coming and living among us. After His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live in His people. Wherever God's people go the Spirit of Jesus goes with them and dwells among those people.

As we prepare for London we remember that it is God who is preparing us. When we think about moving to London we remember that it is God who will move with us. God wants to dwell among the people of London and He will. He will dwell among the nations gathered in London as God's people, who are filled with His Spirit, go and share the news of God's love for the world.

Two Themes - One Mission

The Bible is clear about what these two themes of "became flesh" and "dwelt among us" mean. They mean that God is all about revealing His glory. In the Old Testament God appeared in different times and ways. Now, God has appeared clearly and concretely in Jesus Christ. This glory is apprehended as Jesus is experienced. This passage also teaches that Jesus was full of grace and truth. There you have it: Jesus taking on flesh and dwelling among people is intended to reveal God's glory as truth and grace are experienced.

This is our Christmas prayer: We hope that our moving and "taking up residence" in London as a way to bring God much glory. We believe that God will receive the glory He deserves when we share the news about who Jesus is and invite people to experience life with Him. We hope they will see growing community of people living graciously with one another and who confidently speak the truth to all they meet. This is the mission which both of these themes are driving at: glory to God by truth and grace being experienced in Jesus Christ.

Join Us

We would love for you to join us on this journey of reaching the unreached in London with the Gospel.

While we lead a team to go - we all have a role to play. Last week, Daniel and Thomas recorded the sixth podcast episode that chronicles our journey to London - you can join us on the journey by following along on the podcast.

Others of you have been following along for some time and are looking for a way to practically get involved - you can invest with us financially and provide the material means for seeing this church planted.

2019 will be a monumental year for a few young families seeking to reach the unreached in this global city. We will sell homes, cars, toys, clothes, and more in order to move our lives to take up residency in London. We need your prayers. You can join the team by signing up for our prayer letter and receive monthly prayer needs for the church plant starting next month.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to London. We can't do this alone and we all have a role to play. We are able to go because you give. We are able to persevere because you pray. We are able to extend the love of God to others because you are an encouragement to us. And we are able to give our lives for King Jesus because He first gave His life for ours.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

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