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The Last Few Weeks

It's been a few weeks since we've provided an update. Here, we share an update from the last few weeks: Shepherd's back to school, Thomas had a birthday, and Redeemer continues on. Here's a little about each event...

Shepherd is Back To School / Perry Continues With Home-Learning

Shepherd has been back in school for 1.5 weeks. His class has been divided into smaller "bubbles". Thankfully, he has some amazing teachers that were intentional in dividing the class up into smaller groups where the children are arranged with their friends. Some social distancing measures are in place...but you can imagine how excited all the little people get when they're together! He has a specific time frame that we can drop him off and pick him up each day.

Perry continues with the home-learning routine. Teacher Momma continues to show incredible strength and patience in helping Perry with her daily assignments. There are about four weeks of school left. Perry and Shepherd will finish their assignments online this summer from the lake in Alabama.

Thomas Turned 35

This actually felt like a big birthday for us... when Elizabeth asked Thomas if he felt any older he quickly answered "YES".

Elizabeth picked up some breakfast treats, Thomas worked for half the day and we had a BBQ on Wednesday night for dinner. Thomas got a new bike for his birthday that he has been able to enjoy for the last few weeks. Elizabeth and the kids surprised Thomas with a red velvet cake delivered very a local bakery.

What's Next

We are looking ahead to our last full week in London before our holiday in The States. We are excited to fit in as much time with friends and neighbours as we can before flying out! We have another heat wave heading into London as well.

Redeemer Continues To Roll

We met with our Launch Team on Zoom this last weekend for encouragement and some planning. We absolutely love the team that God is drawing together here in Queen's Park. We are really looking forward to the next phases of ministry as well. In just a few weeks some of our ministries will go on pause for the Summer (mid-July through August) but our weekly prayer, community group, and The Redeemer Sessions will continue. Our team is working ahead on content for our current collection of talks "Jesus Changes Everything" (a teaching series through Philippians) as well as Proverbs (which will air over the Summer break).

Plans are prayerfully evolving for the Autumn. We think we have a good idea of when Redeemer will formally and publicly launch as a new church community as well as what the intermediate phases of community life will be for us. We will make a call on the timings at the end of August and provide an update of our plans.

The Coronavirus has clearly changed our plans but we can already see how it might turn out for our benefit in the long run. We are reflecting on this very theme and might share more in the coming weeks.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

John 14:27

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