If you were to read that as BREAK THE BACK OF COVID then you would be right. We've all four been at home with Covid and are so glad Perry has negative. Pray that we'd join her soon! We're back from school break. Here's what we did and how it's going.
It was a mixed bag. It felt so good to visit with a few people in our home and in theirs this year. Last year if you'll remember it was all very grimly: CANCELED. So, having some friends over for snacks on Christmas Eve and Day felt like a massive upgrade on life.
We were also feeling kind low from Elizabeth's sister not making it over from the States for our long-hoped-for 10 night visit. When we got news she wouldn't make it for Covid concerns, and the government didn't unleash another whammy of restrictions, we booked a last minute trip to Rome for the New Year! Amazingly, you can get away there for the same cost of the countryside here. Warmer weather, pasta, sights, pizza, history, gelato, and more carbs turned out to be a very special time for us. We love family adventures and making memories together. Turned out to be a good Christmas break. ANNNND WE'RE BACK
To school. And home with Covid. Thankfully, not locked down. At home with a batch full of positive cases. Before we tested positive we had two weeks of being back at it for school, ministry, and life. The kids were excited to get back to their teachers, friends, and school rhythms - and of course that is a blessing for us as parents.
We began a new collection of teachings in the Redeemer community in the book of Job where we're talking about how God is sovereign over human suffering. The Book of Job is where we're at for the next five weeks together in there. Then, last weekend, Perry and Shepherd tested positive and Elizabeth and Thomas followed a few days later. So, we're back at home with Covid. Thankful that it's more like the flu/nasty cold sort of rendition compared to some of the severe cases we've heard of. God is taking care of us even though some plans and schedules have been disrupted.
Honestly, we'd be a lot more frustrated with things if we weren't mediating on the Book of Job right now as well. Seeing how God sovereignly and wisely allows His people to go through a lot tougher situations than this has been a comfort to us.
Three of us are still symptomatic and we'd at least like to clear that in the next couple of days. If you're the praying sort, would you please pray for us? We trust we're in the Lord's hands.
Life without Covid, we hope! You might have seen a few headlines talking about how the government here is making plans to scrap all restrictions by the end of March! We're hopeful that this means the end of this season of life is almost here. We're also hopeful that we can host more friends here in the year ahead without all the restrictions to bog us down.
These next few weeks in the Book of Job will be significant for us as a new church community. We need a clear picture of our God who knows exactly what He is doing and makes everything beautiful in its time.
So, we're back from the break and hoping to make a clear break with Covid!
Thank you for your continued prayer and care.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
"Shall we accept good from the Lord and not trouble?"