Lockdown is easing. The kids are off on break. Thomas is taking the week off to be with family. We are set on making some memories. Here's an update on how Easter was for us now that we're finally into Easter Break.
It's no secret that Easter is in the top two weekends for the church calendar. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. At Easter we celebrate his sacrifice for sinners on Friday and victorious resurrection from the dead on Sunday.
To celebrate, Redeemer gave 10,000 gifts of the Gospel of Mark and a welcome card to Redeemer. These were dropped through doors as we celebrating this most special time in the calendar year. Excitingly, Redeemer was able to gather as well! For the first time in a year, Redeemer hosted an in-person worship gathering. So much about even this was a real delight to us. We met at West Kilburn Baptist Church right here in Queen's Park and are hopeful to be able to continue meeting at WKBC for some time going forward. Over the weekend, Thomas and Daniel completed a collection of talks called ALL ARE WELCOME. All of those talks are available on our social channels, like this.
Numbers don't tell the whole story but they do give some indication of life. Amazingly, 60 people turned up for the Easter worship gathering and 50 came back the following week. For a small church community that has endured a lot over this last year, Redeemer is finding the way. Each person is not only special to God but is special story in each individual as well. You can tell that something is coming together here. A church community for all sorts of people, from different parts of London, different backgrounds and walks of life - uniting around the King and Saviour: Jesus Christ.
We'll continue meeting weekly and learning all the things necessary to host these weekend gatherings. Our aim is to be a fully launched church in September offering all sorts of ministries and opportunities for the community. Please, continue praying with us.
Our little crew is doing well! Perry and Shepherd entered a two week break just a few days before Easter. Perry and Shepherd have had a few outside playdates and a few days at tennis camp as well. It's been great to be able to see some people again and have more movement!
We had a really enjoyable Easter weekend that included having a few friends over from Camden Town. We knew one guy from a church back in Auburn and the other two from Raleigh - the three are flatmates and all involved in various ministries. We cooked a lot of food and sat in the back garden and relaxed. It was a really great time.
We're glad to be into this week where Thomas is home from work and the kids are out of school. We have a few fun things planned around London and a day trip to Oxford all on order. It looks like we'll have a few days of sunshine as well and that makes everything work alright.
If you're the praying sort then please join us in giving thanks to God for a great time on Easter weekend and a good two weeks of Redeemer. For this week, please pray that we'd have some time to slow down and connect as families and enjoy one another. It's so easy to get caught up in doing the next thing and not really soaking up these moments that we have together.
We're thinking more about the themes of Exodus as Redeemer is in a seven week series of bible talks from the book. We are taking comfort in the fact that God always knows where his people are and he is kindly watching over them. That's a real comfort to us as these seasons change.
We are so glad to see the lockdown restrictions continue to ease and some more normal patterns of life emerging. We're off to enjoy the week together!
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
EXODUS 2:23-25 /
23 During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. 24 God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. 25 So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.