Have you ever felt like you had to stop as soon as you got going? We're kinda there right now. Here's a brief update about Redeemer, our family, what we're up to, and what's next...
It has been a really good season for Redeemer. In the last month, we've hosted a Vision Weekend, had our first in-person gathering in over six months, and had another team training and care day. Lots of good is happening right now. Redeemer continues to meet weekly on Saturday afternoons for the Redeemer Sessions and we have three Community Groups that meet on weeknights from Monday to Wednesday. We are most excited about the 21 adults that call Redeemer home. God has been very kind to us.
Redeemer is halfway through a collection of talks called "DO IT AGAIN." This is a series of talks aimed at unpacking and exploring the kind of church community that Redeemer aspires to be. The talks are based in the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk where the prophet began to ask God to act again, like He had acted before - in his own time and place. We're keying on Habakkuk's prayer and talking through Redeemer's unique vision and values.
We're recording these talks around London and incorporating a few sights and sounds of London - both past and present - as some background for the vision we have in our hearts. We're still working out the details for how these go but we're excited about what's coming together. We post a new talk each week on Facebook and YouTube. Check em out if you're interested in the kind of Church Redeemer aspires to be.
Saturday afternoons become full with hosting The Redeemer Sessions at the local Primary School. That frees up Sunday to be our time to be out and about and enjoying London. Recently we made a trip to Hampstead to enjoy the sights and sounds. We queued for over an hour for crepes and had a really great time being out of the hood.
We're in self-isolation for the next week. We were exposed to a friend last Saturday who became symptomatic with Covid within 48 hours - then tested positive. Our friend is doing well and feeling better. We are self-isolating out of concern for our own well-being but more importantly those around us.The family is doing really well all things considered. We made a quick pivot for the home to become both Church HQ and Home Learning Base...A G A I N.
While we're isolated, the rest of London is moving into new Tier 2 restrictions. Until further notice, families will not be able to mix indoors - in both homes or restaurants. Further, the rule of six applies when visiting with people outside your family unit. It looks like things are becoming more restrained. We are willing to do whatever is required - can we just be done with this season already? Personally, we're willing to do whatever it takes to limit the spread of the virus. As a church community, meeting in-person is our preference but the safety and security of all who visit Redeemer is our top priority. We're taking the rest of the month to evaluate the latest government guidance and be sure our plans are solid before meeting again in November for socially-distanced, masks-on, gatherings.
Our little crew seems to be doing really well. Shepherd's class went to the green space last week and he came back absolutely covered in mud. Perry has been reading and helping us make plans for Half Term Break which is just around the corner. Elizabeth has enrolled in a counseling certificate program which will begin in January. Thomas is preparing to write for a collection of Advent devotionals we're developing. Plenty of good stuff happening around here. Pray for us as we sort out Home Learning next week...