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Our Recent Posts



Friends and family,

Thank you for your prayer and support. April was a good and fruitful month of ministry for us. May was a heartbreaking and grief-filled month for us as we lost a baby during pregnancy. June was some relief as we moved through grief and some travels. Here are some prayer concerns for our family as we begin the month of July…

Member’s Night

We end each school term with a Member’s Night and this last one was our favourite one yet. The church elders introduced 11 new members of Redeemer. We love how diverse and inclusive Redeemer is becoming – this group included people from: India, Pakistan, Italy, America, and various parts of England and across London! We had a meal and talked about the kind of church we want to be. Please join us in praying that God would grow the body of Redeemer both deeper in gospel depth and broader in reach and influence. We want to move with Him and at His pace.

New Elders

Two wonderful men are joining the elder team here at Redeemer. We cannot wait to formally introduce Andrew B and Luiz L to Redeemer later this Summer. These two men and their families are already loving and leading in Redeemer so well. We are very grateful for them! Please join us in praying for their families and their leadership at Redeemer.

Transitioning: Children’s Worker

Luiz, one of our incoming elders, has taken up the Children’s Director role here at Redeemer. We are grateful to God to have this loving and capable man leading the way. Please pray for his family as he settles into this new role and pray that the children and student works at Redeemer would grow.

Elizabeth’s New Job

Thank you for praying for Elizabeth’s transition into her new job. She had a good couple of weeks settling in and meeting new people. We are thankful for this clear provision from God.

Teaching 1 Peter This Summer

We’re nearly through a collection of Bible Talks this Summer in the book of 1 Peter. This book is full of helpful guidance on how to live the Way of Jesus in a foreign culture, how to hope in God, and how to endure suffering. Please pray that God would cause the themes of this book to live in us and that Redeemer would be faithful to live it out.

— Church Weekend Away. Redeemer is part of the Co-Mission Network of Churches here in London. Two weeks ago was our annual church weekend away. We loved our time away with Co-Mission and are looking forward to many weeks like these in the year ahead. Please pray for the Co-Mission Network of Churches to grow deep and wide in the year ahead.

Summer Term.

The Summer flow here is one of the clear differences between life here and in the States. Schools operate on more of a year-round schedule here so we don’t really break for Summer until the end of July. The last few weeks have had some end-of-year performances, sports days, and presentations at the school. Please join us in praying that our children would learn lots and be obedient children in this final stretch.

Continued Comfort

Seven weeks ago we posted this update on our instagram pages. We share it here and ask that you would continue to pray for our comfort in this difficult season:

Our family has lived what has felt like a year over the past two weeks. On (US) Mother’s Day we lost the precious almost 8 week old life of our third child due to an ectopic pregnancy. The heartache, fear and emotions we have experienced are unlike anything we have known. We have also experienced an outpouring of love, kindness, care and compassion. Our arms ache to be able to hold this precious little love, but we are comforted to know that he is being held by the Father. Please pray for our family as we process our loss and I recover from surgery. Our hearts are tender as we grieve with hope. Psalm 34:18: The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Your prayers have been effective. We’ve experienced conversations, connections, and comfort that can only be the result of you praying for us. God answers prayers!

Thank you for your support and partnership.

The West Family

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18


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