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Redeemer has fully and finally launched! Thank you for for all your prayer, support, and care that helped make this moment possible! God is faithful!

Here's a play by play of the big day...


We had a really great time in The Redeemer Session on Saturday. The Session this week included a testimony of life change and healing from Karen, a prayer of dedication from Richard Coekin (President and CEO of Co-Mission Network), a moving time of worship through songs, and Redeemer Kids recited 1 John 1:9.

Elizabeth continues to lead and organise the Kids work and we had 13 children for the first time! Thomas opened up a new teaching series on the "I AM" statements of Jesus called "Jesus In His Own Words."There was a really sweet mood in the room. God has graciously given a million gifts of His grace to make this moment happen. Join us in praising Him for all He has done!


For months, we've been building ministry teams to serve the practical needs of Redeemer when we gather from week to week. Andrew was greeting and loving people at the door, David and Ashley were making sure everyone got connected, Ellie was keeping up with everyone at Next Steps, Marichu Karen and Emily put on an amazing tea - yet again!, Cris and Luiz and Renee and Evelyn make for a really great band, Paige was leading prayer, David and Luke had the setup and tear down, two churches from the States were around to support and pray, Theo and Seth were tackling the photo, video, and sound...the team was doing the thing! So many others in the room, sacrificing, and playing their part. It was so fulfilling to see the team being a team. God has created ministry and teams of ministry where there was not one before. Jesus is building His Church!


Lots of conversations in our home have focused on the long and winding road that led to this weekend. Four years ago we were settled into life in Raleigh and just beginning to dream and talk and pray about what this could look like. Three years ago we were transitioning jobs, entering a year of training at preparation with Summit Collaborative, and connecting with so many of you. God graciously assembled a coalition of sending churches committed to praying and helping pay the way for the gospel to go forward in London. Families and individuals alike caught a vision for what could be and a sending network materialised. This isn't about one person, one church, or one family - this is about our great and glorious God in heaven who will glorify Himself through the sacrifice of His people.

This moment was a long-time in the making. Years of preparing, the obstacles of Covid, so many disappointments, frustrations, and setbacks. And our Sovereign Lord standing in the middle of it all. Taking care of us and keeping us together. Thank you for helping make this possible. Now that we've finally launched there is so much to do next. We're just getting started!


Our number one core value as a church community is that: Jesus changes everything. He has changed everything for our family and we believe He can change everything for communities, cities, and the world. We're beginning this new season of Redeemer by studying the "I AM" statements of Jesus.

We will continue to pre-record sample versions of the weekly bible talk but the full version is only available in the room on Saturdays. Seth is giving special attention to our podcast and we hope to be able to podcast the "live preach" versions of our weekly teaching - those should be coming up in a few weeks.

For now, here's the Bible talk from this last week...


This weekend marks the beginning and not the end. We are grateful for your prayer and support that helped bring this moment to pass - now we need to build the systems and processes that will allow Redeemer to sustain long into the future.

For all the success and fulfilment of this last weekend, we now set ourselves to care for a weary community still recovering from a hard year. Our university team is onto several big initiatives on campuses. The team is launching two new Alpha courses in the next couple of weeks. Baptisms, communion, and more intentional care are all upcoming for our church community.

Practically, for everyone, our theme for the year is "every member ministry" which is part of one of our core values: Everyone has a role to play. Redeemer is not an event you attend but a people you belong to. So, we're investing a lot of energy into helping people discover and deploy their gifts and talents. Join us in asking God to speak, to lead, and to guide in these important days ahead.

For today, we're taking it easy. Lots of relaxing around the house is in order before we have the staff team over tonight for a celebratory meal and to be thankful together.

Please pray for us that we would now find some sustainable rhythms and flow as a family. There has been some real wear and tear on the build up to this weekend. We're grateful. Now we need to find a good pace to run.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.

"Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and said, "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far? And yet, this was a small thing in your eyes, O Lord God. You have spoken also of your servant's house for a great while to come, and this is instruction for mankind, O Lord God!"

2 Samuel 7:18-19


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