Elizabeth spent a few days in the States for her birthday - celebrating with her family, visiting grandparents, and something Eras level about the whole thing. This meant some special daddy and kid time back in London. Everyone had fun and survived. Elizabeth is leading the way for the raffle and silent auction among other things as activity continues to build for the school summer fair in a few weeks.
Perry had a very big and brave school trip to Turkey! Our kids school here in London has a partner school in Turkey and Perry was invited to join for the week. They ate lots of interesting food, and visited mosques, caves, and cities. Perry got to visit the very place where the Nicene Creed was formed as well. Lots of learning for our little girl. It was a big experience for us as parents since we didn't get to talk to her for a whole week! The school did a fantastic work of keeping the parents informed. Our comfort might have been enhanced by an apple airtag as well. Many thanks to those who prayed for our Perry! She was so brave and had a really good time. We can't believe she turns 10 next month!
Shepherd has started a new sport! Our little boy is learning to play cricket with a group of his friends. He's really enjoying it so far and his favourite part is bowling. We're a far cry from tee-ball at this point but he's having fun.
Both the kids are doing well in school and finding their way. We're just back from half term break and on the final march to summer. Just seven more weeks of school with loads of events and graduations and then we're there. Summer come quickly!
Thomas is continuing to peck away at work for the new catechism. The goal is to create a new and modern catechism for the church today that not only explains what the church believes but also teaches what it doesn't believe over and against the popular secular story. Without yelling and being combative, the goal is to do this in a loving and reasonable way. Thanks to those of you who have been following along. Trevin and Thomas will continue some work on this together and in-person next week. You can subscribe and follow along - we're nearly halfway through. Thomas is preparing to do some work with Southeastern Seminary here in London as well. We are grateful and excited!
Redeemer continues to grow! We passed the 50 mark for all-in members of the church. We're really encouraged. We just completed a teaching series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit and now have begun a Summer long study in the book of Ephesians. Seth is doing a load of good around the Redeemer community and he's got our podcast game up and running. If you'd like to follow along with our recent teaching then you can simply search for Redeemer Queen's Park to listen in on our elders teaching and encouraging the faith family here in London. ALSO, we just launched our new After School Club. We had a fantastic first session on Thursday afternoon and we're excited to be able to serve the community in this way.
We're off to New Orleans to visit with friends at the Convention meeting. Elizabeth's parents are in town to look after Perry and Shepherd. We're also very grateful for loving and supportive people around that make trips like this possible. June and July are packed with lots of good and two big initiatives on the Redeemer front. More on that next time.
We're continuing to learn to enjoy God in all the seasons of life. Lately, we've been greatly helped by remembering that God is all-sufficient: he has no needs, he is fully of joy, and he is happy with us through Jesus. Daily, we're finding ways to find God in everything and to enjoy every thing in God. We pray that you will do the same!
Please, pray for us as we travel and for our kids to have strong hearts, obedient interactions, and to have fun without us.