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Just a brief update here to say that Redeemer is meeting again! From this afternoon, Redeemer is hosting bimonthly, in-person, gatherings at Salusbury Primary School. If it's your thing, would you pray for us? If you're interested, would you come through to join us? Here's just a few details...

Who: Redeemer Queen's Park

Over the past 15 months God has been gathering a new church community in Queen's Park. We hosted a Carol Service for the community in December 2019 and then a few "preview gatherings" that we call The Redeemer Sessions. What started with just seven adults in August 2019 turned into 12 people at the end of March 2020 and is now 20 people committed to the cause of establishing a new church community in North West London. Redeemer is not an event that people attend but a community that people belong to. We are so excited to host a gathering this afternoon for Redeemer to be able to gather together - again!

What: The Redeemer Sessions

The Redeemer Sessions are where we preview the specific kind of community that Redeemer aspires to be. The heart of these gatherings are bible talks focused on explaining Redeemers Vision + Values. Yet the talks are not the whole of who we are or what we do. There's time, even now with Covid restrictions, for discussion and some fellowship. In the coming months we will add music and other elements that transition these bimonthly Sessions into weekly worship gatherings. Our aim is to provide an easy to get around format for people of all sorts of spiritual backgrounds to get together and think about who God is and what the Church actually is and is all about.

When: Salusbury Primary School, 3p

So, we're gathering again. Meeting at the local primary school in the school hall from 3pm. We love our local school and are grateful for our partnership. We hope to see Redeemer continue to gather from 3p on Saturday afternoons.

Why: Jesus Changes Everything

We get it. This might sound a bit strange to some. But it makes absolute sense to others. We are a community that has been changed and is continuing to be changed by Jesus Christ. Jesus has made all the difference in our lives and we think He - and He alone - can make all the difference, solve societies deepest problems, and provide everything we need for emotional and spiritual health. We gather under the banner of Jesus and everything we do is ultimately for His fame and His glory.

We believe that we were designed not just for belief in God in some general sense nor for a kind of vague inspiration or spirituality. We were made to be connected to God and live lives that are centred on a relationship with Him. He is the purpose and passion of our lives and Jesus is the One who leads us in our knowing, serving, and delighting in God. This is an infinite journey that will go on forever (1 Corinthians 2:7-10).

What Else?

It's been a good and busy week for our family. Our house has become the staging ground for a lot of ministry and developments for the weekend. Perry and Shepherd are doing really well and we are looking forward to spending the whole day together tomorrow.

Thank you for being on this journey with us. We are grateful for you.

Lord, I have heard of your fame;

I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.

Repeat them in our day,

In our time make them known;

In wrath remember mercy.

Habakkuk 3:2


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