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Our Recent Posts



Friends and family,

We’re back from summer holidays, the children are back to school, Elizabeth is back to work, and we’re in final preparations for a big season of life and ministry.

August was a deeply refreshing time for us - the sort where we didn’t know we needed the time away and experiences as much as we did until we finally had them. We loved our time in Colorado and especially with our friends from Storyline Church. It was without a doubt our best trip to Alabama since moving to London three years ago. Short weeks in Birmingham and Lake Martin were just what we needed.

We’re back.

We’re focused on life and ministry in London.

We’re ready to go again.

Here are a couple of prayer points for us this September…


Thank you for praying for us over the last couple of weeks. Our time away in August was helpful and restorative for us. We had good conversations around marriage and ministry and the pace of family life. We connected with our children on holiday and really enjoyed being on adventures together. We are refreshed and focused from some much needed time away. Please join us in giving thanks for God answering multiple prayers, meeting with us, and ministering to us.

Perry and Shepherd At School.

Perry and Shepherd were back to school on Monday and the week has gone well so far. Please pray for them to listen and obey their teachers. Please pray for them to connect with friends and be a blessing to everyone they’re around.

School Trip For Perry.

In two weeks Perry will go on a two-night-away school trip. It’s a key part of the transition into Year 5 where the intensity of study really picks up. Please pray for Perry in all the ways as she spends two nights away from us and with teachers and classmates. Pray for her to have courage and fun!

Perry and Shepherd’s Hearts.

We’re doing a new family discipleship routine and catechism focus with the children. Please pray for Perry and Shepherd’s hearts and their spiritual journey. They clearly know some facts and details about God but we’re not sure if their hearts trust in Jesus just yet. Please pray that God would give childlike faith to both of our children and that God would indeed and clearly save them. Pray that we’d be able to see some fruit of God’s work in their lives in time.

Family Pace.

We’re entering a full season complete with a few teams visiting from the States, Thomas in the States twice for conferences, and family visiting here. This on top of a new season with new initiatives kicking off around Redeemer Please pray that we’d live through this season in an intentional and focused way. Please pray that we’d make the most of our family time together when we have it.

Deep Roots + Wide Fruits.

Thank you for praying for the leaders of Redeemer as we’ve consolidated a two-year strategic ministry vision. We’re entering a season of hoping and praying that God would grow the church deep and wide. We’re talking about the vision last week and this week at Redeemer and then adding a few new initiatives to help us move into its fulfilment. Please join us in praying that Redeemer would grow spiritually deep, organisationally strong, and numerically wide in the next two years.

Theology Thursdays.

Part of this new season for Redeemer is providing space for more teaching in doctrine and theology. We’re launching our first Theology Thursday in two weeks. We’re hoping these Equip Nights help pave the way for a theological training centre or college in the years ahead. Please pray that the right people would come to these gatherings and we’d have wisdom in what we teach.

Queen’s Park Day + Freshers Week.

Queen’s Park day is coming up this Sunday and Freshers Week will launch in the next two weeks. Please pray for our team as we hope to make new connections and share more about the great church community that the Spirit is bringing together in Queen’s Park.

We love keeping connected with you. From seeing you on social media, to care packages and letters, to enjoying when you visit - thank you for your support and partnership.

We are glad to be on this journey together.

The West Family


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