We got a pup. We named her Lulu. We are all so excited! It's been a full three weeks since our last (pup)update... Lulu is in focus for this one. More family stuff coming next week. Here's a little about all that's going on...
Introducing: Lulu
We have been really excited about this for some time now. Perry has asked us for a puppy since we arrived in London. We set it before ourselves as a family goal that we would get settled in year one and then aim to find a pup to begin our second year in London. Last week, we hired a care and drove just outside of London to pickup Lulu. She is a Maltipoo and she is absolutely perfect. We are all so happy!

Back To School
It's been back to school for our daughter Perry. She just completed her first week back and Shepherd is back in school on Monday. We are excited for them to be around their friends again and have full time access to their teachers - in person! At the same time, we can't help but feel the milestone that this is. We don't have a baby anymore. Both kiddos are in for full-time school. It's an unexpected mix of excitement and...uncertainty? What in the world are we supposed to do with them in school full time? We imagine we'll figure a few things out.

The Rule of Six
There's a new set of government guidance that rolled out this week: The Rule of Six. From Monday, it is now against the law to gather in groups of more than six people - in homes, in public, and in restaurants. It feels big and is a noticeable step up from the previous guidance measures. In view of the upcoming restrictions there have been a few - impromptu - garden parties and family gatherings that have sprung up over the last couple of days. We're looking forward to a few more hangouts with people tomorrow before the restrictions set in.

Gathering A People
Our Launch Team met last weekend to fellowship, worship, and prepare for the year ahead. We're so grateful for the team that is coming together and excited for the year ahead. Yes, excited. In the face of the Rule of Six and in the midst of so much uncertainty - we sense God gathering a people. More to come on this in the week ahead.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
We're experiencing God at work in our midst. In some surprising and unexpected ways. God is with us.