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Thomas is returning from a few days in Alabama. Elizabeth kept life running in London.

Here’s a few updates from this last week.

Thomas flew to Birmingham on Tuesday to visit with family and two churches in the Birmingham area. On Wednesday afternoon, Thomas and his parents drove south to Montgomery to spend the rest of the week with First Baptist Church, where we grew up.

First Baptist was hosting their bi-annual global missions conference. Thomas joined church planters and missionaries from around the world to share stories of what God has done in the last few years of ministry at Redeemer. The testimonies and sermons were inspiring and the week was good for all.

We love our First Family. We grew up at this church, were baptised here, both had our first ministry jobs here, sorted out a call to vocational ministry here, and got married here! Our lives are gloriously and inextricably linked to First Montgomery. We are forever grateful.

While Thomas got to enjoy his parents and some fellowship with friends, Elizabeth continued to keep the kiddos and life going in London. It was a good week for Perry and Shepherd in school. They enjoyed a good weekend with Redeemer on Saturday and a trip to the Tate with friends on Sunday.

Now it’s time for a renunion and some catching up on sleep. We’re really looking forward to all God is going to do next week through Reach London.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14


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