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Our Recent Posts



Friends and family,

Thank you for praying for our family and for Redeemer through the month of March. We felt your love and support as we moved through a big and busy month. Here are topics that are of special concern for us as we carry on in the month of April…

Easter Weekend

We conclude this current study in the life of the emotions next weekend at Easter. Thomas is pre-recording a message on Grief (Good Friday) and Joy (Easter Sunday) that will be available each day on YouTube and Facebook. Our Easter weekend will be a message on Shame and the healing and blessing that God offers us through Jesus Christ. We’ll also have an Easter Egg hunt on offer after The Session on Saturday.


We are amazed at what God did through several of our ministry partners who joined us last month. Teams from Lakeview, Providence, Summit, and Cross Church helped distribute over 13,000 flyers, have lots of gospel conversations, and pray for our communities. We praise God for this partnership in the gospel! Please join us in praying for fruit and for that fruit to bear fruit!

Growing Redeemer

Our next Member’s Night is coming up in two weeks. We’re hoping to see Redeemer grow with a handful of people joining Redeemer as their new local church. Please pray with us for Redeemer to grow deep in the gospel and wide in our reach.

Beginning Again

After Easter, we’re looking to take a few weeks to think about what it looks like to begin again - as a church, as community groups, and as individuals in our personal relationship with Jesus. We’re looking to put first things first in the year ahead and prioritise our relationship with Jesus above all. Please pray for us in this. Pray that we would give Jesus the first place in every place in our lives.

New Elders

God has answered our prayers in providing two men to join the Eldership at Redeemer. Please pray for two brothers and their wives as we’re entering into an assessment and training time together. They’re already providing real spiritual direction for us and we are grateful to have them.

Answered Prayer: Children’s Worker

Last month we asked you to pray for someone to lead Redeemer Kids into the next iteration of ministry – and God has provided! Please pray for a new candidate who is being interviewed in the next month. Join us in praising God for answered prayers!

Elizabeth Starting a New Job

Elizabeth has been praying about going back to work in a part time capacity for about a year. In the last few weeks, she applied for a great job, interviewed, and was offered the position. She will start after the Easter holidays. We are so thankful for this provision as it will help our family financially and also give Elizabeth a work community outside of Redeemer. Please pray for our family during this transition. We are all excited, but we know there will be some growing pains.


We’re in the early days of forming up a Deacon team to lead various ministries of Redeemer. We mention it because we need prayer and discernment for how to establish this new area of ministry. Please pray for the leadership team figuring out how to organise this new area of ministry.

New Partnerships

We’re looking for new ministry partners to help establish the work of Redeemer. We need new financial partners, new prayer partners, and new local partners to help us find a place to meet weekly. Please reach out to us if you have specific questions about these and pray that God would provide for the work of the gospel through Redeemer.


The families of Redeemer are on Easter Break – two weeks out of school which is a welcome time to slow down and connect again as families. Everyone will get a welcome Bank Holiday on the Monday after Easter. Please pray for our church to find some rest (hopefully under sunshine?!) and to be consciously grateful for what God has provided through the cross, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

God answers prayers! This is the big fact we are confronted with as we read through last month's prayer points and then present you with this new list. God has heard the prayers that friends and family have prayed for Redeemer in the last month. He has already responded and given us faith that He will continue to provide and lead.

Please join us in asking God to work in and through Redeemer in these specific ways.

Thank you for your support and partnership.

I lift my eyes to mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2


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