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Last weekend was incredibly special for Redeemer. We heard five stories of life-change before celebrating five baptisms. It was such a great day. We're celebrating communion this weekend to continue this unrepeatable season of becoming a new church.

Here's a video of baptisms and update on where we are...


There aren't really words to capture the feelings from last weekend. So many hopes were fulfilled, prayers answered, and the dream was a reality.

Ted Virgo continues to excel with videos and he put together this absolute gem for Redeemer. Watch, rejoice, and enjoy...


The journey continues this weekend when we take communion together for the first time as a new church family. This special moment of remembering the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins is the beating heart of all we do as a church. Celebrating The Supper this weekend is another long looked forward to moment in this journey.


How do you know you've gone from kinda being a church to actually being a church? Christian History is full of helps to understand when you cross that line. Easily, there are three marks of a true church: (1) The gospel is rightly preached, (2) The sacraments [Baptism and The Supper] are rightly administered, and (3) The people identify as a local church. There's so much more that fills in this life of a new church - but it's here. Join us in our joy in these days. God has done what we believed Him for years ago.


It's been a while since we've given more of an update on where the family is and how everyone is getting on. Bottom line is everyone is doing alright. Redeemer has taken a lot of energy and lift over the last few weeks and you can see it in each family member. We're all a little tired and some of us more strung out than others. Thankfully, rest is just ahead.

Elizabeth's parents come to town next weekend and we're really looking forward to a trip to Edinburgh with them for the kids half term break from school. It's been full go for us since we landed from the States in August. We're ready to get some rest and relaxation in for fall break. More news and notes for each family member coming your way closer to then.


Each of us are carrying a head cold in varying degrees. Please pray that we would finally kick the crud out of our system and get past this. Thomas is preaching from John 6 today and Elizabeth is leading Redeemer Kids. We're looking forward to a morning off with no plans tomorrow. Gotta slow down!

Thank you for praying with us.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.

"I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."

John 6:35


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