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It’s finally Summer! School broke up for the kids last week and we’re looking forward to some time with our families back in the States.

Here’s a few things we’re praying for in the month of August…please, pray with us!


In God’s great grace, Redeemer will turn two in September. While the effort has been underway for the last four years here in London (er, Covid) and another year-or-so before that, we will soon celebrate two years as a church community in London. We’re delighted that Redeemer is planted. Our work in this last season has been establishing and strengthening the church that is now here.

We’ve had a few loved ones move away for various reasons over the last few weeks and that’s never easy but it’s also part of the cost of being a church in Zone 2, London. Pray for the hearts of Redeemer — that we’d continue opening up to God and one another. Pray for us to keep putting ourselves out there in making new friends.

Redeemer will continue to gather for the Summer and have picnics on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. We’re continuing to study the book of Ephesians as well. The Summer Sessions tend to be some of the sweetest times in the year.

Please join us in praying that God would strengthen Redeemer; strengthen the people, root us down and together, and make us strong as we root in him. Pray for our wonderful staff team and elder team as they continue to provide loving leadership for the congregation.


Both Perry and Shepherd profess faith in the Lord Jesus and we’re hoping to see some clear fruits of that in them over the months ahead. Beautifully, Perry confessed her sin and faith in Jesus this last Spring and we’ve discussed baptism with her — we’re hoping to have some more specific conversations about that with her this Summer. We’re hoping both of their hearts will develop affections for Jesus and want to grow as disciples.

Also, the photo memories from our phones have been absolutely brutal lately. Looking at their cute little selves beginning to navigate London four years ago and seeing what they’re up to now…time is tough.

Please pray that Perry and Shepherd would genuinely trust in Jesus and that their lives would show evidence of this in how they talk and interact.


We’re embarking on one week with the Wests and one week with the Harts for full-on vacation mode. We’re excited to see our parents, siblings, and for the cousins to run around together and make some memories. We’re hoping that we can be refreshed and renewed deeply by the time in the States this Summer.

Thankfully, this is the most encouraged we’ve been in the four years of this work. We’re encouraged by lots of hard and good work over the last year, clear development in the team and systems, lots of sowing into the neighbourhood. We’re expectant for things to continue to grow in the year ahead. There’s lots to be grateful for.

We’re hoping to have our vision and call renewed this Summer as well. It’s been a good practice to come up for air in the Summer season and seek the Lord in a fresh way. Please pray that we’d make the most of time with loved ones, find some refreshment, and have a renewed focus for the season ahead.


Here's just a highlight reel of a few other items...

+ Podcast audio of Redeemer’s weekly teaching is kept up consistently by the amazing staff team - check it out.

+ The new counter-catechism project is over halfway there. We’re in week 30 right now and there are 20 weeks to go - join the journey.

+ Redeemer started a new thing called Reach London. We’re really encouraged by how it’s going so far - here’s the highlights.

+ Thomas got to have a bucket-list level day of golf - here's the story.

Teddy is working on a highlight video for the last year. If you've seen Ted's work before then you know it'll be good. We really look forward to these year-end testaments to the grace of God. We'll share it with you in a couple of weeks when it's ready to show.

Thank you for being on this journey with us - we are grateful for you.

Don’t be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows he will also reap, because the one who sows to his flesh will reap destruction from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit. Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.

Galatians 6:7-9


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