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Friends and family,

There are lots of good things in the mix for Redeemer in the month of March. Here’s a few ways you can join our family in prayer…

Emotional Health

Thomas is teaching through a series on the life of the emotions called ‘Soul Care’. We’re digging into topics such as Envy, Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, Shame, Grief, and Joy. Please pray that God would heal, comfort, and save.


We have a few church partners in town who are helping with our outreach and prayer into the neighbourhoods of North West London. We’re dropping flyers through doors, praying, and having conversations about Jesus and the local church. Pray that people would connect with Jesus and Redeemer.

Church Membership

We’re in conversations with seven adults about joining Redeemer in this next round of membership. Pray that God would add to our number.

Stewardship and Generosity

God has been kind to Redeemer in putting generosity into the hearts of our members. Pray that God would continue to build His church and fund the work of the gospel in London through Redeemer.

Ashlyn Portero

Ashlyn has been a long time friend and supporter of the work here at Redeemer. She just finished up a substantial season of ministry as the Executive Director of City Church, Tallahassee. She joins our team later this month in a part-time capacity and she’ll oversee aspects of our discipleship, leadership development, and partnerships. Pray that Ashlyn would settle well and be an effective team member at Redeemer.

Children’s Worker

Elizabeth has (graciously!) overseen Redeemer Kids for the last year now and we’re looking for someone to come in and take over the ministry in the season ahead. Pray that God would connect us with the right person in the next couple of months.


Redeemer is carrying the feeling of loss and transition from members who have moved and will move in the days ahead. The Evans have recently relocated to Asheville North Carolina for ministry at Biltmore Church. Two other members are moving and will move. While we grow we also feel the pain and loss of friends moving away. Pray that God would help friends and families relocate well and provide comfort for Redeemer as we carry on in mission and ministry here in London.

A Place To Call Home

We’re looking for a building. Redeemer is growing deep in the gospel and making gains in growing wide in numbers as well. We are beginning to earnestly pray for a place in Queen’s Park to call home. Pray that God would make connections and open doors for Redeemer to have a place to meet weekly and call home.


Just this morning our team distributed 3,500 flyers and had loads of conversations about Jesus and the local church. In the last few months we’ve seen two more professions of faith. Pray that God would cause people to consider Jesus, join in on what He is already doing around Redeemer, and save souls in the months ahead.

As you can see, there's a lot going on in and around Redeemer right now. We’re hoping this is a season of God putting our souls at rest, settling the team and new church members, all as we sow seeds of connections and the gospel in the neighbourhoods of London.

Thank you for praying with us.

Thank you for your support and partnership.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3


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