Friends! Thank you for your prayers and encouragements over the last few weeks. Here are some sights, sounds, and a summary of the Queen's Park Carol Service.
On Saturday 10 December Redeemer hosted the Queen's Park Carol Service for the fourth year. We were delighted to see over 130 people from the community coming out to sing carols, hear the Christmas story, and fellowship.
Here's a highlight video that gives a feel for what it was like!
Saturday 17 was our final Session of the year. Redeemer will gather this week on Christmas Eve from 1:00-3:00 in the afternoon for a snacky lunch, music, and some Christmasy vibes.
We'll post a Bible Talk on Christmas Day and it will be available on all of our media platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter - all at @RedeemerQP. Redeemer will not meet in person on New Years Eve but a Bible Talk will be posted on the same platforms. We'll meet again on Saturday 7 January.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We are glad to be on this journey with you!